Villager Mail

Asset Name Version Villager Message Preview
Woodcutting_Initiation 0.173 Hassian I see you've taken an interest in woodcutting. This is a most agreeable and suitably pedestrian pursuit for you that I strongly support. Ple...
Mining_Initiation 0.173 Najuma I heard you were taking a liking to mining. I figured I'd give you plans for a Smelter. Let me know if you need help using it.
MysteryCake_mail 0.173 Zeki You're Reth's friend, right? Listen up, you're gonna deliver this cake to Reth and ONLY to Reth. It's literally poison to anyone else! And y...
Gardening_Level2 0.173 Badruu If you want in on a little farming secret, stop by my place later and lend me an ear. This time, I promise, I'm not talking about corn! A...
Bait_mail 0.173 Einar While thinking about how odd it must be to require food, I realized it should be possible to attract fish of a particular type by using the ...
Zeki_Romance_Letter 0.173 Zeki Found yourself getting closer to someone? Stumped on how to seal the deal and take the final step? Come on down to Zeki's and get yourself s...
BugCatching_Level8 0.173 Auni I just got the COOLEST new recipe from the Bug Scouts! This thing can track bugs... even some rarer ones. Wondering if I'll teach it to y...
Winterlights_Shepp_Caleri 0.175 Caleri While I am not particularly fond of idle revelry, as your Shepp, it is my duty to inform you of the Majiri tradition of Winterlights. My fat...
Combat_Level10 0.173 Subira Level 10 combat rewards.
Sifuu_Hassian_Romance_Lvl3 0.173 Sifuu Can you stop by the forge some time? I could use your help. And don't bring Hassian!
Winterlights_Shepp_Badruu 0.175 Badruu Or should I call you winter bean? Is that even a thing? I don't know! The cold weather seems to be freezing up the old joke gears in my head...
Cooking_Level9 0.173 Reth Are you ready for the greatest challenge of your culinary career? If not, DON'T come find me at the Inn. Making celebration cake isn't for t...
Combat_Level3 0.173 Subira Level 3 combat rewards.
Hassian_Romance 0.173 Hassian There is a matter of importance that's been weighing on me. Come to watch the stars with me tonight and I'll tell you all about it.
Jel_Romance_Lvl4 0.173 Jel Hello, my muse. I have discovered a delightfully dastardly way to solve my little "Amara" problem. Why don't you stop by and I'll spill the ...
Gardening_Level3 0.173 Badruu How do you like to start your mornings? I always like to start mine by writing a letter to a friend. We are friends, right? My wife says I c...
Jina_Friendship_Lvl3 0.173 Jina You'll never believe what I found! Uh...actually you're pretty smart so I bet you will. Meet me by the ruins when you get a chance.
Jina_FL5_Start 0.180 Jina Hey, so, I REALLY really appreciate all that work you did trying to help me find a new thesis, but I just... well, my heart's not really in ...
Ashura_Main_06 0.173 Ashura Congratulations on finishing your house. I will be delighted to come over for tea once things are finally settled. In the meantime, perhaps ...
Quest_FI_Najuma_OldFamilyPhoto 0.173 Najuma You won't believe it, {playername}. My dad almost passed out when I gave our family photo back to him! Apparently, it's one of the only pict...
Fishing_Level8 0.173 Einar Have you ever wondered how to find the most maginificent fish in the depth? if not, there is no need to stop by my shack. If so, I will teac...
Einar_Romance_End 0.173 Einar I have been thinking of else what to do with that custom adornment I made for you. I found a shiny pebble for it that matches the coloration...
Kenyatta_Naio_Romance_Lvl4_OT3_Pin 0.173 Kenyatta Hey! Nai'o told me he gave you his pin. I bet it looks pretty good next to mine, huh? Anyways, I know I already told you what it means, but ...
Reth_Friendship_Lvl4 0.173 Reth Hey. Uh, I'm in some deep ormuu dung right now. It's a little bit of a big deal. Can you meet me in our 'secret spot'?
Eshe_Kenyatta_Lvl2 0.173 Eshe I hear you and my daughter are becoming friendly. Normally I would frown on this sort of fraternizing...but I must admit I need your help. M...
Jel_Lvl3 0.173 Jel Hello my dearest patron. I am in need of some assistance for my latest design. I have sent you a key to my workshop. Perhaps you could stop ...
Mining_Level8 0.173 Hodari Alright, time to let you in on my secret - buildin' yourself an ore compass is the fastest way to any motherlode. Stop by and I'll show you ...
subira_FL1.25 0.173 Subira I hope this letter finds you well. There is something important I wish to speak with you about. Please meet me at your soonest convenienc...
Alchemy_Level5 0.173 Eshe Level 5 alchemy rewards.
FurnitureMaking_Level4 0.173 Tish You've really made some great strides with your carpentry! Now that you've mastered building furniture, it's time to learn how to modify it....
Jel_Romance_Followup 0.173 Jel I know you probably guessed this, but I lied when I said the pin wasn't for you. You've been my muse since you first walked into my store. S...
Gardening_Level10 0.173 Badruu I'm prouder than a pumpkin of your gardening prowess! Stop by for your official celebration ceremony.
Reth_Friendship_Lvl2_Lied 0.173 Reth Hey {playername}, I heard you covered for me with Ashura. You didn't have to do that, but you did, so... thanks. I know it seemed like I was...
Ashura_Friendship_Lvl4 0.173 Ashura Stop by the Inn when you get a chance. I heard back from my son.
Kenji_Friendship_Lvl4_OptionA 0.173 Kenli I wanted to let you know I heard back from my sister and she agreed to let the Daiyas stay under their old tax rate... on the condition that...
Auni_BugCatching_Reward 0.173 Auni So I was thinking if you're going to become a master bug hunter like yours truly, you're gonna need a way to take some snacks on the go. I t...
Tamala_LearnAlchemy 0.173 Tamala Hello, human. I must say your presence in the Valley intrigues me. If you agree to stop by my humble cottage and satisy my curiosity, I'll p...
Tish_Romance_FollowUp 0.173 Tish Sorry I freaked out over the whole letter thing. I was so afraid you would reject me that I interpreted you not getting the riddle as not wa...
BugCatching_Level9 0.173 Auni Oh man, you're even better than I am at catching bugs now. Maybe you can teach *me* some tips now? Just kidding, I know the entire Bug Scout...
Caleri_Lvl3_RestrictedYes 0.173 Caleri I can no longer hold my tongue. Something quite mortifying has happened, and I believe you are the only one I can trust. Meet me in the rest...
Naio_Friendship_Lvl3 0.173 Nai'o Thanks again for your help! You really came through for me. I'm not sure anyone else would help me out the way you did. I feel like I can re...
Cooking_Level2 0.173 Reth Word on the street is that you've become quite the whiz with your campfire. Stop by the Inn when you have time. I have a little surprise for...
Hunting_Level7 0.173 Hassian You've handled those special arrows I taught you to make quite nicely. Come see me, and I'll show you how to make one that can dispel magica...
Caleri_Lvl3_RestrictedNo 0.173 Caleri I can no longer hold my tongue. Something quite mortifying has happened, and I believe you are the only one I can trust. Meet me at the libr...
Woodcutting_Level5 0.173 Ashura I'm so proud of how far your foraging skills have come in such a short time. You remind me a bit of my son. He was so helpful around the hou...
Mining_Level9 0.173 Hodari Just about run out of things to teach you... but not yet. Still got one big improvement left for that pick of your's. Come by when you can.
Nyo_Level_3_Knows 0.173 Nai'o Hey, so remember that thing we talked about? Yeah, so Kenyatta gave me something...and I don't feel right accepting it... But I also don't f...
Mining_Level4 0.173 Hodari That pick of your's getting dull yet? Come on by and I'll teach you the secrets of repairing it - and maybe something a little extra you can...
Eshe_Friendship_Lvl3 0.173 Eshe I woke up to a pleasant surprise on my doorstep this morning -- a beautifully-wrapped delivery box from my favorite bakery in Bahari City. ...
Jel_Romance_2 0.173 Jel I was trying to create something that would match the beauty that is you...but alas, I could not do better than mother nature already has. S...
FurnitureMaking_Level2_BuildingReward_5 0.180 Tish Now that you're getting pretty nifty at interior design, I'll share one of my favorite tricks to making any room brighter. Add a bay window!...
Najuma_Friendship_Lvl1 0.173 Najuma While walking around Bahari Bay, I found something in the sand. I'm not sure if it's anything you'd like, but I hope it's useful to you in s...
Nyo_Romance 0.173 Nai'o I found my dad's old lute in the high loft and I've actually been working on a little something. You want to come over tonight and hear me p...
Winterlights_Shepp_Delaila 0.175 Delaila As I put me peki in the oven for the first night of Winterlights, I'm reminded of how this year I'll needa put out an extra spot on me table...
BugCatching_Level5 0.173 Auni Have you heard of a smoke candle? Neither had I! Now that I can make them myself, I couldn't bug hunt without 'em! I'll sell you the reci...
Nyo_Friendship_Lvl1 0.173 Nai'o I had some leftover pickles from the last order for the inn. I thought I'd send a sample your way!
Naio_Auni_Friendship_Lvl4_Confront 0.173 Nai'o So I talked to Auni again, like you said, and it actually worked. He got mad at me for a little bit, but then I gave him a hug and told him ...
subira_FL4_didnttell 0.173 Subira I hope you have been well. I did some digging of my own and learned that what the nightlight can do is dispel Grimalkin illusions, just a...
Einar_Romance_Start 0.173 Einar Hekla recently communicated with me that certain villagers have been speaking in an amused manner about "what is going on with us." Normally...
Jel_Romance_Lvl3 0.173 Jel I went in town to deliver those canapes. Which by the way, are almost as delicious as you are, my dear. (Don't tell, but I tried one on the ...
Auni_Friendship_Lvl4 0.173 Nai'o So, ever since Auni and I got back from our camping trip, he's been acting really strange. He's been walking and talking in his sleep, sayin...
Auni_Cooking_Lvl5 0.180 Auni So I don't know if you've been over there, but the other day I placed a blueberry over by the old Nighsky Temple. And...what you know? It di...
Najuma_Friendship_Lvl4End 0.173 Najuma My dad told me you helped him find all my mom's old blueprints. I don't know if I really deserve them... but I'll treasure them anyways. ...
Dalila_Friendship_Lvl3_Reward_Berries 0.173 Delaila I just wanted to let you know that I appreciated all your hard work helping me collect those berries. I had a few extra left over, and I tho...
Ranching_Level2 0.173 Hassian Level 2 ranching rewards.
Caleri_Friendship_Lvl3 0.173 Caleri Another tome has sadly slipped through my grasp, and I have reason to believe this volume was not checked out of the library, but rather it ...
Tamala_Friendship_Lvl4 0.173 Tamala I realize I haven't been treating you, or anyone really, the best. And me...deserve only the best. Would you mind coming to meet ...
Badru_Gardening_Reward 0.173 Badruu Now that you've got all those vegetables you're gonna need some place to store them. You could store them in a tree, but might I suggest a p...
Quest_FI_Hodari_OldFamilyPhoto 0.173 Hodari Hi, {playername}. Thanks again for returning that family photo to me. I showed it to Najuma and she kept making fun of my old hairstyle. ...
Winterlights_Shepp_Kenli 0.175 Kenli As I pen this letter, I fear being pelted in the face with a snowball. That must mean it's almost the most stressful...I mean joyous...time ...
WaterTemple_Prologue_Alttrigger 0.179 Jina I've been doing a lot of digging on the Flow battery you found. Humans used to use these to power all sorts of things... You know, the...
Jel_Friendship_Lvl1 0.173 Jel As a patron of the arts, I feel it is my duty to help you decorate your new abode. After all, no home is complete without a little drama and...
Hungry_Echo_2 0.173 Mystery Blueberry Lover Thank you for the tasty, friend. It was the tastiest tasty I ever put in my tummy. Unfortunately, my tummy hole got big please br...
Elouisa_Friendship_Lvl4 0.173 Elouisa I have an important business proposal to discuss with you. Please meet with me to chat at your earliest convenience! Otherwise, you will be ...
Sefu_Friendship_Lvl3 0.173 Sifuu Come meet me by the tavern. I need somebody to drown my sorrows with.
FurnitureMaking_Level2_BuildingReward_2 0.180 Tish On days like today, I just like to sit outside and watch the clouds pass by. I thought you might want to do the same, so I sent you the blue...
Sifuu_Friendship_Lvl2_Alt 0.173 Sifuu I don't know if you can believe it, but Caleri had some choice words to say about my book. Including the fact that Gorgon-Apes are apparentl...
Badruu_Naio_Friendship_Lvl4 0.173 Badruu Hey there, pal! Got some free THYME coming up? I'd love to chat, if you wanna swing by the farm. I'll have some fresh veggies for ya!
Mail_Expansion 0.173 Kenyatta Hiya! So.....I found out you completed your house. So cool! I don't know if my mom told you when she gave you your housing deed, but you can...
BugCatching_Level3 0.173 Auni Since we're both accomplished bug catchers, I think you're ready to built an even better-er bug belt! So, come and see me on my mail route w...
Woodcutting_Level2 0.173 Ashura Looks like you've been improving your foraging skills! Why don't you stop by the inn later, I'll teach you how to build a sawmill that can p...
Winterlights_Shepp_Jel 0.175 Jel I've been so busy sitting in a dark room with two hundred candles all around me thinking about all my failures in the past year, that I forg...
Jina_FoundItem_Embra 0.173 Jina Okay, so I put the relief together and it shows the Phoenix inside some kind of starry portal...reaching out to a human boy on the other sid...
Reth_romance 0.173 Reth Where to begin? I've never been great at this sort of sentimental stuff. It's a Majiri tradition to give gifts made with our own hands to sh...
Jina_Romance_Lvl3_Followup 0.173 Jina I meant to give you this earlier after I read you the poem, but when you said it was cheesy, I totally freaked out and froze up. Anyway, I...
Blacksmithing_Level10 0.173 Sifuu I heard you've taken to the old hammer 'n anvil like me to a pint of good ale. Good work, kid. I knew you had it in ya! If you want some tip...
FurnitureMaking_Level5 0.173 Tish Have you been eyeing any new furniture recipes? I hope so, because I have a bunch of new ones for you, based on furniture from the capital i...
Fishing_Level10 0.173 Einar It is with great honor, pomp, and circumstance that I request you come visit me by the pier within the next few millenia. I have something m...
BugCatching_Level10 0.173 Auni Okay, I have something I gotta' tell you in person! It'll be like, the COOLEST thing you've ever heard! Run over here as soon as you can,...
Combat_Level8 0.173 Subira Level 8 combat rewards.
Kenyatta_Naio_Romance_Lvl4_OT3_NoPin 0.173 Kenyatta Hey, Nai'o told me he gave you his pin. That's cool and all, but you should probably know what it actually means, because I bet he forgot to...
Jel_Friendship_Lvl4 0.173 Jel I don't know HOW you did it, but Kenyatta agreed to wear the dress. To thank you, I present you with a sketch of the original version of the...
Fishing_Level4 0.173 Einar Please come visit me at your earliest convenience, preferably sometime within the next solar rotation. I have what you humans call a "surpri...
Elouisa_Caleri_Friendship_Lvl4 0.173 Elouisa I'm sure I saw Caleri writing in the journal last night. When I knocked on the door she hid it under her pillow, but I know what I saw! Than...
Gardening_Level4 0.173 Badruu I've got another farming secret for you, spuddy! Come by, and maybe you'll buy the recipe for this new and improved hoe.
Quest_FI_Hodari_WishLetter 0.173 Hodari So, Najuma turned them two steaks into two tiny fireballs. Still, wanted to thank you for tryin'. So here's a little something from us both.
Hassian_Romance_FollowUp 0.173 Hassian I suppose you must wonder why I dragged you out in the middle of the night to look at the stars and listen to an old myth. Truth be told I h...
Winterlights_Shepp_Tish 0.175 Tish Have you felt that chill in the air? Seen the snow on the ground? Eeek! I can barely contain my excitement. It's almost Winterlights!!!!!! A...
Kenyatta_Romance_Lvl3_QuestStart 0.173 Kenyatta I've figured it all out! I'm basically a genius, but I couldn't have done it without you! Stop by and I'll show you what I've got, okay, par...
Kenyatta_Romance_Lvl2_QuestStart_NaioFirst_OrOT3_OrDramaMode 0.173 Kenyatta So, get this: I'm like 99% sure crime's afoot in Kilima Valley. And I was thinking, who would make a better partner than you? Stop by some t...
Alchemy_Level3 0.173 Eshe Level 3 alchemy rewards.
Tish_Romance 0.173 Tish Hey, so I was wondering if you had an answer to this riddle. "I am strong enough to pump 2,000 gallons of liquid per day, but weak enough to...
Winterlights_Shepp_Hassian 0.175 Hassian Winter is upon us, which means it is time to celebrate Winterlights. As your Shepp it is my duty to inform you of our traditions. During Win...
Jina_Romance_Lvl4 0.173 Jina Hey, so. I know it was kinda weird how I just ran off after I gave you my pin. It's just, you see, uh, Hekla's been really clingy since I st...
Reth_RL3_End 0.173 Reth So, I may or may not have been practicing my chocolate making skills, and I may or may not have gone a little overboard. Then I thought, hey...
Naio_Friendship_Lvl2 0.173 Nai'o Thanks for helping me out the other day with those ingredients. My mom told me when someone does something good for you, you oughta write th...
WaterTemple_Prologue 0.173 Jina I've been doing a lot of digging on the Flow battery you found. Humans used to use these to power all sorts of things... You know, the...
Mining_Level10 0.173 Hodari You've become a proper miner. I've got a little something prepared in celebration if you want to come see me... Just don't expect anythin...
Einar_Fishing_Intro 0.173 Einar I have been informed by Jina that you have emerged fully formed from the swirling mist. This is wonderful news! Happy day of mist-birthing t...
Jina_welcome 0.173 Jina I hope you're settling in alright. I was so freaked out when I saw you emerge, I forgot to properly welcome you. Here's an extra cot I had l...
Tamala_Romance_Lvl3_Followup 0.173 Tamala I apologize for ending our previous conversation so abruptly. To tell you the truth, I didn't invite you to my chateau merely to present you...
Zeki_LNY_Taiyaki 0.178 Zeki Hope you had a great Luna New Year! I know I did. But I've got something to confess... Turns out Zeki's Lucky Catch came with a catch aft...
Dalila_Friendship_Lvl3_Reward_Fertlizier 0.173 Delaila I just wanted to let you know that I appreciated all your hard work helping me get all that fertilizer so I could grow the best berries ever...
Zeki_Lvl3_Friendship 0.173 Zeki Eureka! Your pal Zeki has pulled through with a miracle. All the dangerous magical rays are now contained to one teeny, tiny...not so deadly...
Auni_Friendship_Lvl1 0.173 Auni I found this AWESOME bug last night! It nearly got away from me, but I used my extra level skills to catch it! Mom says I can't bring any mo...
Sifuu_Friendship_Lvl2 0.173 Sifuu So you were right... Caleri had some choice words to say about my book. Including the fact that Gorgon-Apes are apparently extinct. I told h...
Chayne_Shrine_Letter 0.173 Chayne How are you settling into the village? I hope you've found the residents here as friendly and welcoming as I know them all to be. There's...
Eshe_Main_05 0.173 Eshe I have been informed that you have proven your devotion to learning Palian ways. I was concerned it might be too difficult for you to unders...
Winterlights_Shepp_Chayne 0.175 Chayne It is with great joy that I reach out to you about this year's Winterlights celebration. It is my duty, not only as your Shepp, but as the s...
Tamala_Friendship_Lvl2_Cough 0.173 Tamala So I must make a confession, darling. I may have told a little white lie. The cream you helped me make isn't for my cough, it's for my wrink...
Mining_Level2 0.173 Hodari Heard you've been using that pick I gave you. If you wanna learn more about the real life of a miner, come see me. I can teach you how to ma...
Cooking_Level6 0.173 Reth I just whipped up a new recipe I think you're REALLY gonna like. Stop by the Inn and I'll show you how berry pie is done.
Tish_Lvl4_TalkToReth 0.173 Tish I found out my brother is working with Zeki's cartel. I understand why you didn't think it was your place to say anything, this stuf...
Winterlights_Shepp_Elouisa 0.175 Elouisa As I wish upon my Winterlights for a visit from the legendary Snowy Skitterer, I was reminded that as a Shepp it is my duty to share our tra...
Silverwing_Elouisa 0.175 Elouisa Thank you for finally showing Caleri the truth - ANYTHING is possible, and the Silverwing is one of the most magical creatures in the sky! ...
Hunting_Level2 0.173 Hassian You may not have seen me as I stalk my prey in the forest, but I've seen you, brandishing your makeshift bow with abandon, scaring every bea...
Zeki_HotPot_NotRethFriends 0.180 Zeki Things are heatin' up in the Underground, and by that I mean we got giant pots of soup fillin' up the place. Don't ask me how or why, but...
Winterlights_NoShepp 0.175 Jina Have you felt that chill in the air? Seen the snow on the ground? That means it's almost my favorite time of year. Winterlights! I know ...
Alchemy_Level9 0.173 Eshe Level 9 alchemy rewards.
Jekla_FL5_Start 0.180 Jina Have you talked to Hekla lately? She's been acting really weird with me. Yesterday when I asked her to hand me a shovel, she told me I shoul...
Reth_Cooking101_Recipes 0.173 Reth Fun fact, did you know you can grill OTHER things besides mushrooms? Why don't you try it out? I bet you'll be a grilling champ in no time, ...
NewRow 0.176 Delaila A friend of mine mentioned things are heating up between the two of you. I couldn't be more happy for ya both! Why don't you stop by for a w...
Ranching_Level9 0.173 Hassian Level 9 ranching rewards.
subira_FL1.5 0.173 Subira I hope this letter finds you well. I would like to thank you for taking time out of your day to chat with me whenever we cross paths. It has...
Ashura_Reth_Romance_Lvl4_CoverItUp 0.173 Ashura Hey, {playername}. I wanted to have a quick chat with you when you've got the time. And no, I'm not still mad, I promise. Stop by the inn la...
Mining_Level6 0.173 Hodari I don't know if you've heard the legends, but it's true - there's Pallium in the hills. If you want to upgrade your pick into one worth mini...
FurnitureMaking_Level2_BuildingReward_4 0.180 Tish Wowee! A little birdie told me you're making furniture faster than you're finding places to put it. I just hate the idea of furniture withou...
Ranching_Level7 0.173 Hassian Level 7 ranching rewards.
Quest_FI_Tablet 0.173 Reth You haven't happened to see a weird handheld device around the valley have you. It's square and shiny. The top is black, kind of like a mirr...
FurnitureMaking_Level2_BuildingReward_7 0.180 Tish Last time I was over, I thought your house was looking just perfect -- except some of the rooms seemed just a teensy, tinsy overstuffed. May...
Ashura_Friendship_Lvl1 0.173 Ashura I thought these planks would come in handy as you're settling down in your new living space. Feel free to swing by the Inn if you need anyth...
Jina_Romance_Lvl3 0.173 Jina Hekla finished translating one of the books in the old human library. It's a book of love poetry! I was hoping you might want to meet me to ...
Sifuu_Friendship_Lvl3_Part2 0.173 Sifuu So...I finished my book, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think it's even better than before. Come by my room and read it when you...
Quest_EWS_0_AirTemple_ElouisaIntro 0.173 Elouisa "!!! URGENT !!! FOR YOUR EYES ONLY!!!! If Caleri sends you a letter, IGNORE IT and COME TO ME! She has been influenced by malevolent forc...
Tish_Kenyatta_Lvl3 0.173 Tish So...Kenyatta told me you were the one who suggested she get into furniture making? I was wondering if you to her? I'm not...
Quest_FI_Naio_HalfCarrot 0.173 Nai'o I couldn't wait to share this with you! Sugarfoot is back to her spirited self. She adores her new winner's ribbon. I've never seen her gall...
Auni_Naio_Romance_Lvl3_Jam 0.173 Auni Oh man, I caught SO many cool bugs today, and it's all thanks to you! Here's the jam I promised. Let's trade again soon!!
Auni_Friendship_Lvl4_Peeked 0.173 Auni So I talked to Nai'o, and I guess it went okay, because he's gonna take me camping with him! In some old human ruins, too! He said he was so...
Blacksmithing_Level8 0.173 Sifuu I heard you've taken to the old hammer 'n anvil like me to a pint of good ale. Good work, kid. I knew you had it in ya! If you want some tip...
Cooking_Level8 0.173 Reth Looking to spice things up? Stop by and I'll let you know how to make the hottest Chapaa Masala in town. I may have more than one idea...
Mining_Level7 0.173 Hodari Find any gold yet? I'm guessing you have, with all the digging you've been doing. Stop by and I'll teach you how to smelt it properly - can'...
Kenyatta_Romance_Lvl2_QuestStart_KenyattaBrokeUp 0.173 Kenyatta So, I did it. I broke up with Nai'o. And I think both of us were actually kind of relieved it happened, y'know? I think we were just meant t...
Silverwing_EpicFail 0.175 Elouisa We had Jina translate the documents you brought us, and we have to say we're quite disappointed in you. Almost every fact you told us was wr...
Badru_Friendship_Lvl1 0.173 Badruu You've BEAN such a good neighbor, I figured I'd give you a few things to help you get settled into your new home.
FurnitureMaking_Level3 0.173 Tish Your furniture making skills just get better and better. But I have an idea of how they can get even BETTER THAN BETTER! Come see me soon an...
MajiMarket_LNY_QL2_Chayne 0.173 Chayne I hope you are enjoying the Luna New Year festivities to the fullest. There is something that I could use your help with. Could you meet me ...
Einar_Friendship_Lvl1 0.173 Einar I have found myself in possession of numerous wriggling worms, and so I have passed this experience on to you. There are many uses for such ...
Reth_HotPot_Friends 0.180 Reth Sooo I might have done something. I was just walking along down by the old Fairgrounds, when I noticed a pile of perfectly good soup pots ju...
Quest_FI_Tablet_Talk 0.173 Reth So I know you squealed on me to Zeki, but I also found out I sweating over breaking some kind of game device. Seriously?! With the way he wa...
Chane_Friendship_Lvl1 0.173 Chayne Welcome to the valley! I could not help but want to send you a little something to make your new place feel more like home. Feel free to com...
Tish_Friendship_Lvl5 0.179 Tish I've been doing some digging, and I think I might have a way to save both me and Reth from those awful fluffy-faced meanies! Pardon my langu...
Woodcutting_Level8 0.173 Ashura Ha! You've become such an expert at foraging. Reminds me of back when I was young, always getting lost digging around the woods. I've got a ...
MajiMarket_LNY_QL1_Kenli 0.173 Kenli As mayor of Kilima Village, it is my great honor to invite you to our second-ever Maji Market! Due to everyone's warm reception of the fi...
Eshe_AcceptanceCeremony_Start 0.173 Eshe The time has come for your Acceptance Ceremony. Speak to me after six tonight to be escorted to the celebration. Do try to be punctual.
Jina_Friendship_Lvl3_RiddleRight 0.173 Jina You were right! The answer to the riddle was a school. I wasn't able to get in, but it did give me a follow up clue. Stop by and I'll tell y...
Sifuu_Friendship_Lvl1 0.173 Sifuu Blacksmiths always look out for each other, whether that means sharing our tools or gifting each other stone bricks in the mail. Keep that i...
Earth_Start 0.178 Einar I do not wish to generate anxiety within you, but I have been presented with information that may do so. Please translate your corporeal...
Jel_Romance_Lvl2 0.173 Jel Oh my dearest muse! I am afraid I've had a most tragic run in with my eldest sister, Amara, and could use a lovely shoulder such as yours to...
Winterlights_Shepp_Einar 0.175 Einar Have you noticed the decreased temperature in the environment? Seen the solidified water on the ground? It is time for the annual tradition ...
Badruu_Delaila_Friendship_Lvl4 0.173 Badruu Our kitchen's gone back to the regular output of jams and pies, and Delaila's been humming to herself all day! I couldn't have done it witho...
Alchemy_Level4 0.173 Eshe Level 4 alchemy rewards.
Mining_Level3 0.173 Hodari Got some new recipes in stock if you want to come check them out. Might do you good to upgrade that pick of yours. Plus, being able to forge...
Quest_FI_Reth_SuccessfulEgg 0.173 Reth Figured out how I wanted to prepare these bad boys, and thought you'd be the perfect person to try them! If you ever crave any more, just dr...
Tamala_Romance_Lvl3 0.173 Tamala So, I've thought of a way you can finally make up for that terribly disappointing silverwing egg incident. Stop by my chateau to receive you...
Kenyatta_Friendship_Lvl1 0.173 Kenyatta My dad gave these seeds to me as a present, but you can have them. You'd make better use of them than I would, anyway. Don't tell him I regi...
TRZ_Lvl5 0.179 Zeki Tish is coming to confront me about that whole situation with her brother. I may have let Reth know what you told me about her finding a cur...
Kenyatta_Jel_Friendship_Lvl4 0.173 Kenyatta {playername}, I thought we were cool! How could you betray me like this? Seriously, this dress you helped Jel design is an utter disaster. I...
Badruu_Friendship_Lvl4 0.173 Badruu I gotta hand it to ya, spuddy. Ever since you and Auni got me that confidence charm, I've been grinnin' wider than a festively carved gourd....
Auni_Naio_Romance_Lvl3_KeepBugs 0.173 Auni I know you said I could keep the bugs, but I figured I should still thank you for helping me out! Here's some jam I saved from my stash. I p...
Zeki_FindUnderground 0.180 Zeki You ever walked into one of the shop fronts in Kilima and thought they were lacking a little something? Maybe you've seen something shiny...
FurnitureMaking_Level2_BuildingReward 0.180 Tish Now that you've started making all that adorable furniture, it looks like you're going to need a bigger house! Why not try this extra room o...
Gardening_Level6 0.173 Badruu You know what they say about crops - you can never water 'em too much! Actually... that isn't true. You can't be too careful about that. ...
Reth_Friendship_Lvl2_Truth 0.173 Reth Hey {playername}, thanks for taking care of those errands for me. I know you didn't cover with Ashura, but I just wanted you to know there's...
Silverwing_Caleri 0.175 Caleri I wanted to thank you for helping prove I was right to Elouisa. She hasn't taken the news well, but I'm sure she'll be back to normal soon. ...
Zeki_CulturalWallpapers 0.176 Zeki Word has it that some very interesting trinkets from around the world are turning up in treasure chests in Bahari Bay. It might have somethi...
Elouisa_Friendship_LvlB 0.173 Elouisa Strange things are afoot with the snails of Kilima! Naturally that means there's a Tuffwoggle about…perhaps even a whole gaggle of t...
Zeki_inventoryexpansion 0.173 Zeki Tired of going out hunting or bug catching then having to drag your haul back to your house every quarter of a sun cycle? Well, look no furt...
Zeki_inventoryexpansion_havebackpack 0.173 Zeki Looks like you got yourself a handy-dandy Zeki's Expanded Backpack! How's the extra storage space treating you? No more trips back home ever...
Hekla_Friendship_Lvl1 0.173 Hekla It is customary to shower newcomers with gifts when they first acquire their home. I believe this will be a suitable decoration for your abo...
Tamala_Friendship_Lvl2_Beauty 0.173 Tamala I looked at myself in the mirror this morning and I must say I look absolutely fetching...even more than usual. I was wondering if others mi...
Hunting_Level8 0.173 Hassian It seems you have finally managed to master a sound firing technique. Your tracking technique, however, leaves much to be desired. Come s...
Elouisa_Friendship_Lvl3 0.173 Elouisa The results of my experiment are in, and I have our answers. I can't tell you what they were in public. Stop by my house while I am home and...
Hassian_Friendship_Lvl1 0.173 Hassian You'll probably freeze to death without my help, so take this. You'll thank me for it later.
FireTemple_Bundle 0.173 Jina As you may well have guessed, your actions have ignited another vault at the temple. One that Tau seems particularly interested in... When...
Woodcutting_Level6 0.173 Ashura You've taken to foraging like an axe to wood. Speaking of - stop by and see this new axe recipe I have for you when you get the time.
Badru_Friendship_Lvl2 0.173 Badruu I wanted to apologize for getting maudlin on you earlier. I've spent a lot of time lately wondering about what-ifs, and sometimes I forget t...
Hodari_Friendship_Lvl3 0.173 Hodari Talked to Najuma about everything. Apologized for assuming things. Not sure I woulda pulled my head out of where it was stuck without you, s...
Auni_Hassian_Friendship_Lvl2 0.173 Auni Heya! I thought you might wanna know, but I was playing cards with Hassian yesterday and he said he was SUPER annoyed at you! I dunno what f...
Tamala_Romance_Lvl3_Part2 0.173 Tamala So, I've been doing some thinking about our little disagreement, and I -- well, I think my words are best heard in person. Come see me at yo...
Hekla_Friendship_Lvl3 0.173 Jina Soooo...uh...this may sound awkward, but I found some sort of weird shrine in Hekla's room. There's a potato with button eyes, swaddled in s...
Dalila_LearnAnimalHusbandry 0.173 Delaila Howdy! Just wanted to let ye know, it's Piqni season down at the ole farm. So, if ye want to be startin' yer own flock, come on down, and I'...
Combat_Level7 0.173 Subira Level 7 combat rewards.
Ranching_Level5 0.173 Hassian Level 5 ranching rewards.
Alchemy_Level6 0.173 Eshe Level 6 alchemy rewards.
Reth_Romance_lvl2_End 0.173 Reth Somehow everything worked out. Dinner's been served, and no one's the wiser. Why don't you meet me in our private spot tonight? I have somet...
Woodcutting_Level4 0.173 Ashura You've done it again - word of your foraging ability is already bouncing around the tavern. Stop by and I'll teach you how to make Heartwood...
Combat_Level6 0.173 Subira Level 6 combat rewards.
Jina_Shrine_Letter 0.173 Jina So, I just met you, and this is crazy, but you're the only person I could think of to message. Something strange is happening with the Phoen...
Kenli_Friendship_Lvl1 0.173 Kenli I was hoping to decorate the entryway at our manor with these Briar Daisies I grew, but Eshe said they clashed with our decor. Maybe you can...
Tamala_Friendship_Lvl1 0.173 Tamala Don't you think the nights have been a little chilly of late, darling? Here's a little something to warm those cold nights without me. And d...
FurnitureMaking_Level9 0.173 Tish I think you're finally ready to tackle them some REALLY exciting old recipes I found! They're based on the Dragon, and they're SO special to...
FurnitureMaking_Level10 0.173 Tish I've got a really special surprise ready for you next time you visit. It's as incredibly amazing as your skills at making furniture. Oh,...
Tish_Friendship_Lvl1 0.173 Tish You were the first person who came to mind when I saw this sunny vase! I hope it brightens your day as much as it brightens mine!
Jel_Lvl3_Alt 0.173 Jel Hello my dearest patron. I am in need of some assistance for my latest design. I have sent you a key to my workshop. Perhaps you could stop ...
Cooking_Level3 0.173 Reth I was sitting around the Inn and thinking there was something I'd like to see more of. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, and then I real...
Fishing_Level2 0.173 Einar Salutations and felicitations, fellow enjoyer of the act of fishing! Would you like to learn more about this act? If so, please find me by t...
Winterlights_Shepp_Zeki 0.175 Zeki The winter blues getting you? Need something to light up your night? Well, your Sheppy Zeki's got some good news for you. It's Winterlights ...
subira_FL4_toldtruth 0.173 Subira I hope you have been well. I examined the Palcat toys and discovered that they were concealing Flow stones. This confirms my suspicions t...
FurnitureMaking_Level2 0.173 Tish How are you enjoying your foray into furniture making? If you stop by my shop, I've got some exciting things to teach you. You'll be able to...
Gardening_Level5 0.173 Badruu Did you hear Zeki raised his price on fertilzer again? Ouch! That guy is trying to gouge farmers like us right out of business. Well, I may ...
Blacksmithing_Level5 0.173 Sifuu I heard you've taken to the old hammer 'n anvil like me to a pint of good ale. Good work, kid. I knew you had it in ya! If you want some tip...
Tish_Romance_2 0.173 Tish Hey sweetie, I was just thinking about how sweet you are and I made you this. Be sure to stop by and say "hi" soon, kay?
BugCatching_Level2 0.173 Auni I heard you've been trying out bug catching! That's awesome! Why don't you stop by, I've got something really cool for you! It's a sneaky sm...
Fishing_Level9 0.173 Einar I have seen you experience great Oneness in fishing. This pleases me! In fact, this pleases me so much that I have made new recipes availabl...
Woodcutting_Level9 0.173 Ashura You've really grown since you came to Kilima, and I couldn't be more proud of you. Stop by later, I've got one final recipe to teach you.
Cooking_Level10 0.173 Reth So, I don't want to make it weird, but I'm, like, really really proud of you and how far you've come as a chef. Ugh, there, you even got it ...
Gardening_Level9 0.173 Badruu You've learned almost everything I have to teach you, but there's just one seed of knowledge I have left to impart. After that, the sprout s...
Kenyatta_FL3 0.173 Kenyatta I gave the sernuk a clean bill of health, but I just keep thinking... what if you hadn't been able to find the kit in time? I don't wanna sc...
Naio_Auni_Friendship_Lvl4_Family 0.173 Nai'o So I talked to ma and pa about Auni, and both of them were totally surprised too. They had no idea he was feeling that way. We all decided t...
Tamala_Romance_2 0.173 Tamala I was growing worried about you, darling. So I made you this charm. It should ward off anything nasty out there in the well as un...
Blacksmithing_Level6 0.173 Sifuu I heard you've taken to the old hammer 'n anvil like me to a pint of good ale. Good work, kid. I knew you had it in ya! If you want some tip...
Combat_Level9 0.173 Subira Level 9 combat rewards.
Hekla_Friendship_Lvl4_Told 0.173 Jina So...good news and bad news. I heard back from the Bahari Institute and apparently there were records on a "Sona Mah" in the vault where Hek...
FurnitureMaking_Level7 0.173 Tish This new Bellflower furniture set is sure to make your ballroom the bell of the ball! I've got the recipes all ready for you - hopefully I s...
Hassian_Hunting_Intro 0.173 Hassian City Hall requires I send these letters to new residents. You will find a bow and set of arrows in the attached package. City Hall also requ...
Auni_Badruu_Friendship_Lvl4 0.173 Auni Thanks again for saving my hide! Dad's got his confidence back and I'm not in trouble! That lady must have supercharged the charm, because I...
Sifuu_Friendship_Lvl4_Part2 0.173 Sifuu I just wanted to let you know Hassian and I talked things out. We discussed how we both feel now that Taylin's gone. I haven't cried that mu...
Kenyatta_Naio_Romance_Lvl4_SoloNaio 0.173 Kenyatta Hey, heard you and Nai'o were getting closer. Don't worry, I'm not here to be the jealous ex or anything. Just figured I'd give you some tip...
Kenyatta_Lvl4_FollowUp 0.173 Kenyatta Guess who's the newest apprentice of healing for Kilima? I wouldn't have been able to do it without you, {playername}. It's been a while sin...
TRZ_Lvl5_Alt 0.179 Zeki Tish is coming to confront me about that whole situation with her brother. I may have reversed the little singin' stone trick she played on ...
Winterlights_Shepp_Naio 0.175 Nai'o I was having a killer snowball fight with Auni, and I smelled my mom's Winterlights peki roasting in the oven. I suddenly had a nagging feel...
Ranching_Level3 0.173 Hassian Level 3 ranching rewards.
Blacksmithing_Level3 0.173 Sifuu I heard you've taken to the old hammer 'n anvil like me to a pint of good ale. Good work, kid. I knew you had it in ya! If you want some tip...
Auni_Badruu_Friendship_Lvl3 0.173 Auni It worked!! Dad serenaded mom right at the dinner table and it was only a LITTLE gross! Plus he's REALLY good at playing! Thanks again for h...
Chane_Friendship_Lvl4 0.173 Chayne {playername}, I have finally interpreted the message from Ignus. Based on the translations you gave me the flashes say, "The humans will bri...
Najuma_Friendship_Lvl3_End 0.173 Najuma A little bit after you left, Zeki stopped by and we talked about some of our inventions. He's got some really cool ideas. It's... nice, talk...
Combat_Level4 0.173 Subira Level 4 combat rewards.
ZekiTreasureChallenge 0.175 Zeki Have a wonderful Winterlights and all that. I'l save you some time - there is no seasonal dicsount here! Instead, I devised a cunning cha...
Winterlights_Shepp_Hodari 0.175 Hodari Najuma's been talkin' about this Winterlights for months. Can't help but wonder if a certain human's got somethin' to do with it. Ain't seen...
Jina_FoundItem_CreepyStatue 0.173 Jina So, the mystery behind the statue you brought me only got MORE mysterious. It somehow DISAPPEARED! Like poof! Right before my eyes, it was t...
Hunting_Level5 0.173 Hassian I'm surprised to find myself admitting this, but you seem to actually be capable enough to handle a proper hunter's arrow. Come see me for t...
Ranching_Level4 0.173 Hassian Level 4 ranching rewards.
Hassian_Friendship_Lvl4 0.173 Hassian It's nearly time for the hunt. Come see me before it all begins. Please.
mail_sad 0.173 Einar I am sorry to hear your day was going "roughly." Here's a little something that I hope may make it smoother.
Ranching_Level10 0.173 Hassian Level 10 ranching rewards.
Alchemy_Level2 0.173 Tamala A little bird told me your potions progress has been truly stunning. Lovely work, darling! But your training isn't over yet. Come visit me a...
Sifuu_Hassian_Romance_Lvl1 0.173 Sifuu Rumor has it you're making moves. Come down to the smithy some time and I'll give you some advice. Pursuing my son won't be an easy feat!
Blacksmithing_Level7 0.173 Sifuu I heard you've taken to the old hammer 'n anvil like me to a pint of good ale. Good work, kid. I knew you had it in ya! If you want some tip...
BugCatching_Level7 0.173 Auni Okay, okay, get this - did you know that bugs like honey? That's something only EXPERT bug catchers like me know, so I figured I'd let you i...
AnimalHusbandry_Level2 0.173 Delaila I saw some of yer eggs in the market the other day. Aye, it feels like only yesterday I sold ye yer first Piqni, and now look at ye! I'm bea...
hodari_rl3_end_forage 0.173 Hodari Saw these out in Bahari, and thought of you. I ain't usually got time for foraging, but I thought I'd try it out. Anything you like must be ...
Hunting_Level10 0.173 Hassian I hate saying this, but I must admit I was wrong about your potential. Not only are you a skilled hunter, but you do what you do ethically, ...
Zeki_StorePurchase_LuckyTicket_Repeat 0.173 Zeki Here's a little something as thanks for your continued patronage, pal! Come spend it all in one place- mine!
Winterlights_Shepp_Sifuu 0.175 Sifuu I bet you've noticed that the winds are getting colder and the nights are getting longer. Back when Taylin was here, we'd go and hunt up the...
Cooking_Level5 0.173 Reth Want to take your skills to the next level? Meet me at midnight in the oldest part of the forest and I'll share my secrets...or you could ju...
Ashura_SawmillRebate 0.173 Ashura I heard you've built your first sawmill! I still remember when I made my first plank. The sides were so warped and uneven, everyone thought ...
Elouisa_Friendship_Lvl1 0.173 Elouisa I regret to inform you that the Flothinger is still out there. The trap you helped me set only managed to capture Auni, the pun-farmer's s...
Kenji_Friendship_Lvl4_OptionB 0.173 Kenli So, I tried to gather the courage to tell the Daiyas they needed to leave. But then I discovered that I just couldn't bring myself to do it....
Naio_Auni_Friendship_Lvl4_Camping 0.173 Nai'o So I took your advice and asked Auni if he wanted to go camping this weekend. I don't think I've ever seen him so excited! I think everythin...
Hodari_Friendship_Lvl1 0.173 Hodari Struck a gold mine today, and by that, I mean a whole lot of flint. Sparks flew as I was mining them. Thank the dragon Najuma didn't see or ...
Kenli_MajiMarket_Intro 0.173 Kenli I am proud to announce the first ever Maji Market is commencing tonight! There will be music, food, and live chapaa entertainment! If you wo...
Kenji_Gifts 0.173 Kenli I see you've been hard at work meeting the residence of our fine village. Good for you! But I see there was one thing I forgot to mention. I...
Fishing_Level7 0.173 Einar As I write this letter, I am surrounded by many upon many wiggly glow worms. Would you like this to be you? Would you like to build a glow w...
Zeki_Friendship_Lvl1 0.173 Zeki Word on the street is ya know how to keep a secret. Still, a little extra incentive doesn't hurt, huh? Let's just keep my night exploits bet...
FireTemple_Hunter 0.173 Hassian I think you are ready to help me with a special mission. Find me when you can.
FurnitureMaking_Level8 0.173 Tish Alright, so I have a secret surprise for someone in the village. I thought I'd give you a sneak peek and get your thoughts on the furniture ...
FI_CalerisBook_Cont 0.177 Caleri I believe I have discovered the correct password to unlock the tome you brought me. Meet me in the restricted section so that we might open ...
Kenyatta_Eshe_Friendship_Level_3 0.173 Kenyatta Hey, so I know it doesn't seem like it, but my mom really respects you...for some reason. Not that you're not worthy of respect. I just mean...
Gardening_Level7 0.173 Badruu I bet you already know the secret to growing up big and strong is to eat your veggies, but did you ever wonder what the secret to getting yo...
Reth_SpecialDelivery_Complete 0.173 Reth So has the...uh...Ormuu landed? Is the Piqni in the coop? Ah, you know what I mean. Meet me at my store room tonight between 10pm and Midnig...
Najuma_Friendship_Lvl3 0.173 Najuma Do you remember that design I showed you? Uhm, do you think you could stop by some time so we can talk about it? I had to move it into my ro...
Dalila_Friendship_Lvl1 0.173 Delaila I know how hard it can be to make a home for yourself in a new place. Whenever my boys are feeling tired, I like to give them a jar of my sw...
Blacksmithing_Level2 0.173 Sifuu I heard you've taken to the old hammer 'n anvil like me to a pint of good ale. Good work, kid. I knew you had it in ya! If you want some tip...
Hekla_Friendship_Lvl4_DidntTell 0.173 Jina So...I figured out what was going on with Hekla on my own. She misses Sona! The girl she was designed to take care of. When I figured it out...
Cooking_Level4 0.173 Reth Sick of burning things on your stove? Ready to start burning things in new and exciting receptacles? Tish taught me how to build a new and i...
Ranching_Level8 0.173 Hassian Level 8 ranching rewards.
Jina_Friendship_Lvl4 0.173 Hekla Hello, Jina's human friend. Jina's face is now leaking with sadness. I am unsure of how to proceed from here. Lullabies and gentle rocking s...
Hunting_Level9 0.173 Hassian Somehow you have managed to keep yourself alive. More than that, you have nearly mastered what I have to teach you. Stop by and I will teach...
Quest_FI_Tablet_Hide 0.173 Reth So, thanks for saving my proverbial bacon and keeping my secret. To say thanks, I prepared a sumptuous feast fit for the Queen of Akwinduu h...
Dalila_Friendship_Lvl4 0.173 Delaila As you know, the festival of bounties is quickly approaching. Unfortunately, I haven't had time to to make quite as much jam as I would have...
Nyo_Level_3_DoesntKnow 0.173 Nai'o This may come as a shock to you, but I haven't been meeting with Kenli, I've been meeting with his daughter Kenyatta. And she gave me someth...
Badru_Friendship_Lvl4 0.173 Badruu The dinner...and the performance was a success. Serenading my Delaila made me feel like a younger, happier man again. At least...for the nig...
Alchemy_Level10 0.173 Eshe Level 10 alchemy rewards.
Kenyatta_Romance_FollowUp 0.173 Kenyatta Come on, did you think I'd really take "no" for an answer? Obviously you don't know me that well if you did. Here's my pin. Don't you dare t...
hodari_rl3_start 0.173 Hodari I'm gonna be around town today doin' some work for Jina and the Bahari Institute. They asked me to survey that old temple you explored behin...
Gardening_Level8 0.173 Badruu I'm trying to PRESERVE a little bit of secrecy around this next recipe, but I can hardly CONTAIN it! Stop by and see what it is!
FurnitureMaking_Level2_BuildingReward_6 0.180 Tish During the summertime, it's nice to entertain outside as well as inside. Why don't you try building an outdoor pavilion so you can bring the...
Fishing_Level3 0.173 Einar I see you have continued your pursuits in fishing. This is excellent news! I will have new rod recipe available for you the next time you ex...
Blacksmithing_Level9 0.173 Sifuu I heard you've taken to the old hammer 'n anvil like me to a pint of good ale. Good work, kid. I knew you had it in ya! If you want some tip...
Eshe_Friendship_Level_4_Complete 0.173 Eshe I don't do this often, but I find that I owe you an apology. The reason I snapped at you had nothing to do with the way you prepared the mea...
Quest_Innkeeper_FL5_Step4_Letter 0.179 Ashura I did it. And it was all thanks to you. I brought the offering to Sabine's grave, and it was almost like she was still there, laughing o...
Jina_Friendship_Lvl3_End 0.173 Jina Thanks so much for unlocking the library. I got so wrapped up in reading the awesome books, I forgot to eat...again. So Hekla made me some s...
Alchemy_Level8 0.173 Eshe Level 8 alchemy rewards.
Hunting_Level4 0.173 Hassian Please see me at once regarding the improvement of your hunting skill. I have a unique type of arrow that will slow your targets down. Maybe...
Ashura_Reth_Romance_Lvl4_ComeClean 0.173 Ashura Hey, {playername}. I wanted to have a quick chat with you when you've got the time. Nothing scary, I promise! Stop by the inn later, alright...
Jina_Friendship_Lvl3_FollowUp 0.173 Jina Uh, so I kind of realized that the letter I was all excited about is...uh...about your people dying out. And me focusing on my thesis while ...
Hassian_Romance_Lvl2 0.173 Hassian I've done some thinking about what you mean to me. I realize I haven't given you the chance you deserve. More than that, I'm afraid I may ha...
Badruu_Naio_Friendship_Lvl4_End 0.173 Badruu Just wanted to say thanks for talking to Nai'o. He seems a lot more relaxed now. You gotta teach me your secrets some time! And as extra tha...
Tish_Lvl4_KeptSecret 0.173 Tish I found out my brother is working with the Grimalkin cartels and that you tried to hide it from me! Look, I know you were both tryin...
FurnitureMaking_Level2_BuildingReward_3 0.180 Tish One of my favorite things to do at home is snuggle up by the fire with a good book. You might have to go see Caleri about the good book part...
Woodcutting_Level7 0.173 Ashura I was thinking it might be time you learn to make more than just Heartwood planks. Stop by the Inn and I'll teach you how to cut the Flow-In...
Einar_Fishing_Reward 0.173 Einar The other day, my hook caught an odd fish...that I realized was not a fish at all, but rather an old leather foot encasement. I put the ...
subira_FL2_begin 0.173 Subira I hope you have been well. I still have not forgotten your contributions to my last investigation. My superiors have entrusted me with a ...
Kenji_PurchaseHouseBlueprint 0.173 Kenli Welcome to the village! I see you're industrious enough to build your own tent. But, if you plan on staying for the long term, you're probab...
Ashura_FeastByFirelight 0.173 Ashura How are you finding the great outdoors? Settling in okay? If you want to stop by the inn sometime, I've got some recipes you might find help...
Sifuu_Hunting_Reward 0.173 Sifuu Apologies for my son's rudeness the other day. I wanted to let you know you are welcome in this valley and if anybody says otherwise, they'r...
BugCatching_Level6 0.173 Auni You're getting SOOO good at bug catching. Like, seriously, I may be getting a LITTLE jealous. Lucky for you, I'm not the sort of kid who let...
Winterlights_Shepp_Kenyatta 0.175 Kenyatta I've just been sitting at home watching my parents argue about where to put our Winterlights candelabra, and I realized that I need to do my...
Reth_Friendship_Lvl5 0.179 Reth I know I seem like I'm being irrational about the whole Zeki thing. It's just...after everything I've been through, it's really hard for me ...
Reth_Friendship_Lvl1 0.173 Reth No meal is complete without some of these babies.They'll make your dishes feel like an adventure in each bite! If you need a taste tester, y...
Alchemy_Level7 0.173 Eshe Level 7 alchemy rewards.
Quest_EWS_0_AirTemple_CaleriIntro 0.173 Caleri There is a delicate matter that I could use your assistance with. Find me at the library. P.S. Burn this note after reading.
Tish_Lvl4_ToldOnReth 0.173 Tish I found out why Reth is working with the cartel, and it turns out it has to do with me. Could you come find me and we'll talk?
hodari_rl2_najumafriends 0.173 Hodari So... I ain't opposed to gettin' to know you better, but bein' a single dad doesn't exactly give me a lotta free time... and I wouldn't want...
Kenyatta_Reth_Lvl4 0.173 Kenyatta I've got the goods, but you SO owe me an explanation for this one. Don't worry, my mom's got no idea what's going on. Come stop by and ge...
Winterlights_Shepp_Jina 0.175 Jina Have you felt that chill in the air? Seen the snow on the ground? That means it's almost my favorite time of year. Winterlights! And this ye...
Kenyatta_Romance 0.173 Kenyatta Hey, so I've noticed that lately you've been checking out a little more than just my outfit when we talk. actually okay because I...
Eshe_Friendship_Lvl1 0.173 Eshe Judging from what I have heard about the state of your house, you need this pocket change more than I. Do with it what you will.
Jina_Romance_Lvl4_Part2 0.173 Jina Ugh...the gardening plan kind of backfired. Hekla overwatered her plants and killed them in record time. I guess there's no hope of privacy ...
Ranching_Level6 0.173 Hassian Level 6 ranching rewards.
Jina_Friendship_Lvl3_RiddleWrong 0.173 Jina So, your answer didn't work. BUT, I had a realization that the riddle must be talking about a school since the ignorant always think they kn...
Blacksmithing_Level4 0.173 Sifuu I heard you've taken to the old hammer 'n anvil like me to a pint of good ale. Good work, kid. I knew you had it in ya! If you want some tip...
Jel_Kenyatta_Lvl3 0.173 Jel Is it true you were the one to suggest Kenyatta as my protegee? I have to tell you she is as ill equipped for the role as any I have ever se...
Winterlights_Shepp_Tamala 0.175 Tamala I'm sure you've noticed the change in weather we've been having. The cold always makes me want to simply retire to my boudoir and hibernate ...
Jel_Romance 0.173 Jel I have a new garment I could use a model for. This time, Tish isn't exactly the right person to fulfill my vision. Would you mind stopping b...
Hekla_Jina_Romance_Lvl4_Part2 0.173 Hekla My Jina has been acting rather cranky lately. I have just wracked my runes over what could be the problem, and I have come to the conclusion...
Auni_Naio_Romance_Lvl3_Bugs 0.173 Auni Hey!! Look at all of these bad boys I caught! And it's all thanks to you. You're the best, {playername}! I'll never forget this, I promise!
Quest_EWS_0_Prologue_PartyStart 0.173 Eshe You are invited to enjoy the very finest that Kilima has to offer. This little village is grateful to host Subira, a legendary member of the...
Nyo_Romance_FollowUp 0.173 Nai'o I'm sorry things were so awkward at the farm. I really like you, and I don't think I did a great job of expressing that. I may be off base h...
Tamala_Romance_Lvl2 0.173 Tamala I've noticed things heating up between you and I in a way that has nothing to do with spice sprouts. Stop by my chateau if you want me to ta...
Hunting_Level6 0.173 Hassian I never thought I'd come to say this, but your skills have almost come to match my own...or at least, my own when I was a small child. I hav...
Jina_Friendship_Lvl2 0.173 Jina Hekla and I discovered a runic lock on the door in the ruins near our tent. We could use some help finding the key...but, like, only if you'...
Reth_Cooking101 0.173 Reth I could smell that soup all the way in the village! And it smelled GREAT, don't worry! Glad to see you're picking up on the extremely comple...
Fishing_Level6 0.173 Einar As you have reached the next requisite level of fishing, I am required to inform you that I have a new recipe available to improve your rod....
Woodcutting_Level10 0.173 Ashura I can't tell you how happy it makes me to see someone else picking up the axe and taking to foraging as well as you have. If you've got time...
Combat_Level2 0.173 Subira Level 2 combat rewards.
Woodcutting_Level3 0.173 Ashura You just keep getting better and better with that axe of yours! Stop by later, and I'll teach you how to build an even better one.
Tamala_Hassian_Romance_Lvl4 0.173 Tamala How've you been, darling? It feels like an age since I saw you poking around my leg of the woods. Stop by later for some tea. We have so muc...
Hodari_SmelterRebate 0.173 Hodari Heard you set up your smelter. Good job. Eshe's got this program she set up to encourage "investing in Kilima's infrastructure" or someth...
Tamala_Friendship_Lvl3 0.173 Jel What have you done??? That skin cream you gave me was dreadful. It gave me a horrible sensation up and down my arms that felt like spiders c...
Whale_Bones 0.173 Jina So, I heard back from my colleague and the creature we found wasn't a glow whale. The ribs were too thin, the horn was too twisted, and the ...
Mining_Level5 0.173 Hodari You're becoming quite the miner. Why don't you stop by my place for a little chat and I'll teach you how to make a new smelter.
FurnitureMaking_Level6 0.173 Tish I've got some new Ravenwood furniture recipes in I think you're just going to LOVE! Come see them (and me!) when you get the chance.
hodari_rl3_end_fish 0.173 Hodari Was thinking about you, and thought you might appreciate this. I ain't as good a fisher as you, but I thought I'd try it out. Anything you l...
Tish_Romance_Lvl3 0.173 Tish Hey, sweetie. I just thought I'd take some time to let you know that I miss you. I know you have a busy schedule and I don't want to put too...
BugCatching_Level4 0.173 Auni You'll never guess what recipe the Bug Scouts sent me! It's for a sticky smoke bomb! Ok, maybe I should've give you a chance to guess. Bu...
Combat_Level5 0.173 Subira Level 5 combat rewards.
Jina_FL5_End 0.180 Jina You won't believe this, but not only did Subira open the ruins back up... she agreed to sponsor our excavation! She even wrote to the Instit...
Fishing_Level5 0.173 Einar Greetings, fellow fisherfriend. I have seen you cast your line many times upon the lake. Come visit me and I shall vend you a new recipe for...
Winterlights_Shepp_Ashura 0.175 Ashura It's been a joy to see you find a home in the village. I haven't felt this much like a proud papa since Nuroo took his first steps. It has b...
Silverwing_Truth 0.175 Caleri We wanted to thank you for collecting all of that research on the Silverwing. We worked with Jina to translate some of it, but your accounts...
Chayne_Hassian_Romance_Lvl3 0.173 Chayne I hope things are going well between you and Hassian. I did a little more reading, and thought I might send some advice your way. If you wan...
Reth_Romance_lvl2 0.173 Reth Hey. I feel like a HUGE jerk for doing this, but I have to cancel our plans tonight. Something came up that I can't ignore. Next time we see...
Caleri_Friendship_Lvl1 0.173 Caleri You've demonstrated above average intelligence and tolerability, and for that, you've earned yourself this. Now that you're no longer confin...
Hungry_Echo 0.173 Mystery Blueberry Lover Hello, friend. Thank you for bringing me tasties to fill the hole inside my belly. I sad because the more I eats, the bigger my tummy hole g...
Kenyatta_Lvl2_Followup 0.173 Kenyatta You are formally invited to the funeral of all my plants. Someone else has to mourn the death of my dreams with me. I don't even know what w...
Hunting_Level3 0.173 Hassian I see your skills have slightly improved, but you still have a long way to go. Still, perhaps you're ready for a new bow.
Winterlights_Shepp_Reth 0.175 Reth You know I'm not normally big on Majiri tradition, but we've got one coming up that involves food, so you know I'm all in. It's called...wai...
Cooking_Level7 0.173 Reth In the mood for something sweet? Stop by the Inn to learn how to up your cooking game. Wait... is fried rice supposed to be sweet?
Sefu_Crafting_Worktable 0.173 Sifuu Hey there, you should make a worktable so you can start building things on your own.
Zeki_LuckyTicket_Lvl5 0.173 Zeki You seen that little contraption outside my shop? The big gumball lookin' thing? Well, you're in luck. Finally figured out how to get it up ...
MajiMarket_LNY_QL3_Zeki 0.175 Zeki Something real fishy is going on, and I need your help figuring it all out. Meet me at the market and I'll tell you what the deal is. ...
Zeki_LuckyTicket_Repeat 0.173 Zeki Heard you're out there working hard, pal! A skilled connoisseur like yourself deserves a little something. Don't forget to spend it all in o...
MajiMarket_LNY_WishTree_Repeat 0.175 Chayne I would like to invite you to participate in our Luna New Year wish-making tradition. It is during this tradition that we inscribe our wi...